Hi Friend,

I am based out of SW Oklahoma in a small little town called Geary - that you would miss if you blinked while passing through! I married my best friend, Austin in 2017. We now have two daughters Lakynn (6) & Brooklyn (1), three dogs, and one flighty cat.

I began my photography journey shortly after having my first daughter. I picked up a camera and here we are almost 5 years later. It all started as a hobby, then a part time gig, but in 2021 I took a leap of quitting my 9-5 job & going full time. It has been the best, most wild year yet! For so long I felt lost and photography has always been my outlet. I graduated HS, I tried college, I got the 9-5, heck I even joined the military for a time. I felt as if I were just passing through life never fitting into a little check box. Maybe it was the craziness of the pandemic or finally embracing myself to stop letting fear get in my way of pursuing this passion. Either way I am grateful and living my best life!

A few more fun fact about me are that I eat way to much pizza, coffee and Netflix are life lines, and my ultimate dream destination; The Scottish Highlands! What I love most about photography is capturing those fleeting moments, those raw feelings in time, then being able to relive that moment every time you look at the photo.

"Sometimes you will never know the vaule of a moment until it becomes a memory"

"Sometimes you will never know the vaule of a moment until it becomes a memory"

Head shots by Tia Dawn Photography & Jessica Mac Photography

Crescent Lake, Olympia National Forest // Edit Marissa Lewis Photography

Personal family photos by PaageFrank Co.

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